The Magic of Mark’s Reflective Series
For White, painting offers an intimate communion with time and space, a respite from the world of structure and fixed space. Accordingly, he seems to conduct a study of the elements themselves, lifting a curtain to reveal nature’s most essential and enduring qualities. In his paintings, suggestion trumps definition, heightening our curiosity and our capacity for individual interpretation; constructs of form and space exist without fixed identities, allowing our vision to be continually refreshed through the very act of looking.
$3,600.00, Twilight, Oil on Canvas, 36 x 36 in, Mark White
Twilight employs alternating bands of mossy green and violet, and additions of fiery orange and Prussian blue seem to melt across the painted surface like the last riotous glimpses of a sunset. White sketches on location, a practice that lends his work a palpably organic sense of time and place, as well as uncannily sonic qualities: we can hear the murmur of a woodland stream, the soft buzzing of insects, and the sound of leaves rustling overhead.
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$4,620, Reflections Emerging I, Oil on Canvas, 48 x 36 in, Mark White
Mark White’s paintings are executed with the freedom and dash of watercolors. Foregrounds and backgrounds are equally focused, juicy and sublime. Depictions of water’s passage, however subtle, are perhaps the truest reflections of nature’s ever-changing temperament, and recall time’s own inexorable passage.
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