Garden & Landscape Lanterns

Paint your Landscape

Our Garden Lanterns create the perfect blend of art and function. In the daylight they are a bold sculptural focal point, meshing perfectly into any rustic, traditional, or contemporary outdoor living space. At night they transform, evolving…

Q & A with Mark White

How do you find inspiration? Sometimes I refer to my drive to paint as a “fealty to the presence”. Recently, I moved to California and on the day I arrived, my son Ethan took me down to Broad Beach. I was awestruck by the sunset that…

May we have this dance?

 You may have seen my name, Nikki White, on some of our newsletters and I wanted to formally introduce myself. I am Mark White's daughter-in-law. I'm married to Mark's son (Ethan, also an artist, click HERE to see his work) and I am a former…

How our Wind Sculptures can help you Meditate

We all know that meditation can help relieve stress, anxiety, tension and being in a state of worry, but you probably have also discovered that meditation does not always come easy. Sometimes there is so much going on around and inside of us…

6 Tips for Decorating Your Home With Artwork

One of the most challenging parts of owning a home is deciding how to decorate it. You’ll want artwork that reflects your personality, but you’ll also want pieces that are unique and appeals to your guests. Choosing the right artwork for…